Oct 31, 2008

Symptoms and Treatment (Kidney stones symptoms dissolve)

Kidney stones symptoms dissolve

Kidney stones
, among the most painful of the urological disorders, have beset mankind for centuries. Kidney stones are hard, stone-like masses that can form in one or both kidneys. Kidney stones are normally harmless when in the kidney but can cause severe pain as they travel from the kidneys to the bladder. Kidney stones are commonly passed out of the body within 48 hours, but attacks can occasionally last for over 30 days.

Doctors don't always recognize what causes a stone to form. Though certain foods may promote stone formation in people who are susceptible, scientists do not believe that consuming any particular food causes stones to form in people who are not susceptible. Other causes of kidney stones include gout, excess intake of vitamin D, and blockage of the urinary tract.

In several cases, kidney stones do not produce symptoms. Nevertheless, if a stone becomes stuck in the ureter (the thin tube between the bladder and the kidney), symptoms can be very serious. Kidney stones symptoms and signs are: blood in the urine and pain in the abdomen, flank (lower back), or groin. Kidney stones may not produce symptoms until they commence to move down the ureter, causing pain.

Treatment for kidney stones varies, depending on the type of stone and the cause. Treatment involves high fluid intake and reducing dietary oxalate and fat intake to the extent that nutritional requirement guidelines permit. Patients with renal tubular acidosis generally react well to treatment with potassium citrate supplements. Therefore, careful analysis of the stone will help guide your treatment.

A certified physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. Most small stones (less than 5 mm) move out of the body (pass) without the need for any treatment other than drinking additional fluids and taking pain medicine.

Discover how to dissolve and pass your Kidney Stones painlessly, using a safe and natural home remedy. Click Here!

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